Title: Prime 50×100 Plot for Sale in Sweetwaters (Marura), Nanyuki
📍 Location: This prime parcel is located in Sweetwaters (Marura), just 6km from Nanyuki town, offering convenience in a tranquil and promising neighborhood.
🏫 Proximity to Schools: Near Sweetwaters Primary and Secondary School, providing access to education facilities for families.
💧🔌 Utilities: Accessibility to water and electricity, ensuring convenience for residential or development purposes.
🛣️ Infrastructure: All-weather roads provide easy accessibility to the property, enhancing convenience for residents.
🌄 Views: Enjoy stunning views of Mount Kenya, adding to the allure of the location.
🏡 Development Potential: Situated in a well-developing neighborhood, offering promising returns on investment for both settlement and development projects.
📑 Title Deed: Freehold clear title deed, ensuring a secure and hassle-free ownership process.
Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in a prime plot in Sweetwaters (Marura), Nanyuki, offering convenience and potential for growth!